
Fullness In Christ Fellowship annual retreat Worship leading


Chinese United Methodist Evangelistic event

7/20/2014 & 7/27/2014

Grace EFC Vocal training

11/1/2103 to 11/3/2013

Worship leading at the “Fullness In Christ Fellowship Conference”, Millbrae, CA


Worship leading at “HK Break Though 40th anniversary celebration“, Sunnyvale, CA

9/15 & 10/5/13

Vocal training at Grace Evangelical Free Church, San Francisco, CA


Worship leading at Lutheran church of Holy Spirit, San Francisco, CA


In continuation of the calling for BCA to encourage and building up our church through Christian music. We acknowledge the great needs in lack of original Chinese Christian songs and music. BCA hosted a special concert “樂韻飛揚‧譜出讚美的旋律 “ on October 2, 2010 (Saturday).
Local song writers: Charles Yong from San Francisco and Alice Y. Chiu from South Bay to introduce and share with the churches their newly composed songs.

BCA Workshop at Great Shepherd Baptist Church

《真愛不變》音樂佈道會 (11/07/2009)
國際基督徒培藝協會(BCA)與牧愛浸信會,於十一月七日星期六晚上舉辦《真愛不變》音樂佈道會,特別邀請來自馬來西亞的福音歌 手張秀梅為您獻唱和見證分享。
當晚BCA Singers帶領音樂敬拜。

BCA Workshop at Sunset Baptist Church

《國際基督徒培藝協會 ( BCA ) 於十一月十四日星期六早上為一班有志於提升音樂水準的基督徒音樂事奉人而設的音樂培訓講座
講座分別有:聲樂、樂理、drum, guitar, 敬拜等課程訓練。


國際基督徒培藝協會 ( BCA )於十一月十四日星期六晚上假座三藩市溢樂浸信會舉辦《愛的旋律》音樂分享會
特別邀請來自馬來西亞的福音歌手張秀梅為您獻唱及來自台灣”吉他博士”簡英材牧師更將美好的心靈吉他音樂與各位分享。當晚BCA Singers帶領音樂敬拜。

Christian Music Conference (CM2008)

Christian Music (CM) is a conference that offers concerts, seminars and workshops which are led by professional Christian artists with long serving track record in the ministry.
CM seeks to promote a variety of Christian music in different styles and develop music ministry.