Charles Yong (Partner Artist with BCA)

charles yong

I was born in Hong Kong and came to US to attend high school, and I accepted Christ then. Even though my Chinese language is limited, God has used me humbly to serve Him by writing Chinese Christian music. My hope is to use this gift to help others to worship and draw closer to God. He also blessed me with a wonderful wife and four beautiful children. I pray that one day my kids will also find their own calling and serve God faithfully. I currently work as a pharmacist and worship at San Francisco First Chinese Baptist Church in Chinatown.

甄燕鳴 Alice Y. Chiu (Partner Artist with BCA)

Alice Yin

傳統的中文基督教歌曲多是來自以國語發音翻譯的詩歌, 基於廣東話發音的特性,歌詞 聲調跟音樂旋律往往格格不入, 俗稱「唔啱音」, 詩歌的信息難免受到歪曲, 感染力削弱, 曾經嘗試重新以粵語翻譯歷代不衰的經典詩歌, 讓這些雋永的屬靈信息直接發揮, 使年青一代容易投入. 在埋頭於舊曲新詞, 新曲新詞的創作日子裡, 神讓我深入體驗到音樂事奉原來是一個充滿暗湧的屬靈戰場, 絕不能閉門造車, 當一個孤芳自賞的藝術家, 而是需要各方面的交流契合, 彼此激勵, 與善意批評。 感謝神奇妙帶領, 遇到一些在作曲編曲演繹方面有明顯恩賜的弟兄姊妹, 其中不少甚至在美加長大, 卻對創作粵語詩歌有濃烈的負擔, 對於一直祈求有機會專心填詞的我, 簡直是「天作之合」。 過去十多年, 神賜下來自四方八面, 風格廻異的事奉拍擋, 由傳统古典到前衛搖滚; 由灣區到羅省, 德卅, 東岸, 加拿大, 以至香港, 無分地域界限. 依然在主內合作無間. 每逢得到回應, 知道神使用這些音樂感動一群素未謀面的人, 讓他們的生命被神親自觸摸而改變, 便會對神的能力, 感到無比震撼; 懇求神繼續帥領這個革命, 讓說廣東話的人擁有屬於自己的詩歌,能夠用自己的言語傳揚神的愛。

簡英材博士 Dr. Martin Chien (Partner Artist with BCA)

Martin Chein

簡牧師獻身音樂事奉廿多年,歷任音樂機構總幹事、音樂牧師及教會音樂教授、院長等職,是少數能將古典與現代音樂融合的音樂家,並經常受邀至世界各地主持音樂敬拜及表演藝術的講座研習會,足跡遍佈北美洲、亞洲及臺灣各大城市。 正統科班出身,擁有吉他博士學位的簡英材,不但是師承廿世紀古典吉他大師塞歌維亞弟子-大師羅勃‧蓋瑟瑞唯一的華人入室門生,更是當代創作/彈奏吉他的高手! 獲獎無數的他,終於在多年的吟唱巡演後,推出個人第一張錄音室大碟『旅程』,貢獻出自己歷年來的創作精華。在煩擾紛亂的年代裡,為人們清靜心靈,找回希望與夢想。一首接著一首的精彩曲目,時而絢爛輝煌、時而深沉靜穆,訴說著簡博士一路走來的平凡故事,映照著人們不平凡的喜樂與幸福。

Margie L. Fong

Margie has a special passion for music and has been serving for over 40 years as soloist, worship leader, choir director, workshop/seminar speaker, and mentor. For the last 17 years she has served as the Executive Director for Builder of Christian Artists, International and Chairperson of the CM Conference, USA. She also lead music teams traveled from local to Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia in proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ. Following the call of God, she commits her gift in music as a tool in fulfilling the Great Commission of Christ. She has been with the Sunset Church since 1997, and from 2005 to 2013 she has served as the Chinese Music Director.

Elaine Teo (Partner Artist with BCA)


Pastor Elaine Teo is a music missionary from the Malaysian Kuala Lumpur Grace Church. She was commissioned to be a gospel singer with the Singpetra Mission from 1995 to the beginning of 2005. While taking the sabbatical at her home church presently, she is actively serving in the music ministry and has established Teofilus Services: a music gospel organization. Pastor Elaine Teo’s music ministry took her to all over the world, becomes a well liked gospel singer by many brothers and sisters. Her world renowned original works included: (Refuge shelter). In Taiwanese (Jesus Knows My Heart)、(Gently Listens),(Is really Good). In Cantonese (True love Invariable) and(A Graciousness Tune)

Jim Mar


Jim Mar began playing the drumset at the advanced age of 19. Over thirty years later, he is still trying to learn to play the drums! Jim started out playing drums in church. The church not only provided the necessary spiritual foundation for him but also provided the experience as a timekeeper and fanned his thirst to learn more about the drums. As he went through his journey of learning more about the drums, he discovered his true passion as a drummer – playing jazz music. It helped that he had a chance to study with Tony Williams for a while and learned at the feet of the great master. Over the years, he became well-versed in rock, funk, R&B, and latin, but found his voice playing jazz standards in small group settings.Jim currently plays drums as part of the Sunset Church worship band and even dabbles on electric bass when the opportunity arises. Outside of church, Jim continues to pursue his passion for jazz music playing with the New4Tet, a quartet of local musicians dedicated to exploring the beauty of jazz standards.

黎雅詩 Alice Lai (Partner Artist with BCA)

全職音樂老師,持有音樂碩士,主修鋼琴演奏、聲樂及音樂教育、詩歌創作人、音樂製作人、已出版了三十多首作品 ,曾任羅省基督教角聲佈道團音樂及佈道部同工、曾任角聲使團敬拜樂隊 Band Leader 及鍵琴手、於多間教會作敬拜隊及司琴訓練、參與製作多張基督教唱片包括心靈之窗、全然為你、生命曙光、全地至高是我主、生命陶庍、心弦接觸、振翅翱翔、讓愛留痕等。

Lily Chung

Lily Chung is a Gospel singer, music director, vocal trainer and producer of numerous musical events. She has been active in the Gospel music profession for over 35 years. Lily earned her Bachelor degree in Music Education from San Francisco State University specialized in vocal pedagogy, the mechanism and techniques. She produced five recording albums and spent many years ministering, singing in many cities and countries such as Canada, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan and many cities in the United States.Lily frequently conducts music seminars and private vocal coaching. She was on staff serving as music director in local churches in San Francisco for 18 years. 11 years with Cornerstone Evangelical Baptist Church and 7 years with Sunset Chinese Baptist Church. She oversee a music department consist of eight vocal choirs, an orchestra and a hand bell choir.She is the Co-founder and Board chairperson of BCA-Builder of Christian Artists, also the Executive Director of Music Conferences–Music Alive 2002, 2004 and 2008 which organizes large-scale conferences cum concerts in various cities.Lily moved to Singapore in 1996 due to her husband’s career opportunities. She has developed a vocal studio, among her students were Singapore school conductors, musical directors, professional singers, choral members, worship team members and Mrs. Goh, wife of the mentor senior prime minister were also under her tutelage. She has returned to US last year due to caring for her ageing parents.

Watch a short clip of Lily's performance here

Pastor Alan Leung


Alan Leung graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary in 2016 with a Masters of Arts in Theology with an emphasis in Worship, Theology, and the Arts. He is currently serving as the pastor at Arise Church in Fremont overseeing preaching, worship, and small group ministries. He is happily married and has two grown children.